Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Whispy dogs are here

The Whispy dogs are Yorkie mixes. They are adorable and have been coming to my house for "vacation" for over 7 years. They are part of my pack - no matter how long they haven't been here. I named them Whispy dogs because of the layer of rough hair that covers them sparsely. Their names are Tippy and Tylor. Tippy is Tylors Mom. Tylor is at least twice as big as Tippy but doesn't have half Tippy's personality. They are all around Terriers, They hunt, they dig, Tippy is the one that will find the hole in the fence. Tippy is what I call a bossbitch. She lifts one leg to pee, she marks, she doesn't take crap from anybody. Tippy comes in my house, jumps on my bed and tells my dogs they are not allowed up there anymore. We have had a few go arounds about that, but I can't seem to win this one. Tippy weighs maybe 14 lbs. My Molly is 50 lbs easy. Molly doesn't take crap from anybody either. So, when they met, we very nearly had a dogfight. Since then, Molly has to be separated when the Whispy's come to stay. Molly must stay on the backporch (yes, heated and cooled). I have to take her out into the big run and close the gate before I can let the rest of them out in the yard. She isn't offended and walks right in, always wagging her tail.

The other day it was beautiful outside and I took the opportunity to cut styrofoam to line shipping boxes with. I had my back turned to the yard. When I turned around to get something, I nearly had a heartattack. There was Tippy, pretty as you please, walking around in Molly's run. Molly was just laying there. Not even looking at her. I ran in there, grabbed Tippy and ran back out. 10 minutes later, she was back in there! So, in the house we went. I spent the next hour fixing holes in the fence, I had not even known existed! Gotta love a Terrier!

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