I am a nurse and as such I wash my hands a million times a day. I have always been very careful about carrying a little jar of handcream with me. After I dry my hands, out comes the handcream. It has become such a habit that I don't even think about it anymore.
For a very long time (over 20 years) I have had this re-curing rash on the palms of my hands. I always thought it came from the gloves we have (and want to) wear. So I would mix up Neutrogena handcream and Cortisone cream and carry this mix with me wherever I went. Last year I suddenly had the same rash on my foot. I don't wear gloves on my foot, so the cause must be something different.
Seeing my MD for another reason, I did ask her about the rash. She gave me some prescription cream and that was that. It did help for a little while but then became as useless as anything else I had tried.
The wonderful ladies at Fresh Air Natural Foods (434-385-9252) in Lynchburg (organic and natural foods and their ingredients, herbs, teas, supplements etc) told me to try Calendula ceam. I did - and it made the rash go away. I have tried several brands and the one that works best for me is NatureWorks. If you have a similar problem - you have nothing to loose and everything to gain! Try this cream! Anymore I use it as my regular handcream, thus the effect never wears off and I don't have those painful little blisters on my hands anymore!
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