A word about Haiti.
Watching the news, surfing the net, the pic's are inescapable. The devastation is tremendous and I can't begin to think what people are feeling. I watched a newscast where people were desperately looking for family members - it was so sad.
Thanks to toady's technology help is already there and more on the way. Canine search teams have arrived and are doing their job. My thoughts are with all those people and critters, the ones looking and the ones waiting to be found. What a position to be in! On either side. Hope they all get back safe after finding everyone who needs to be found.
There isn't a place or organization that isn't collecting goods and money for the relief effort. The military has already sent soldiers in to help. More are to come.
What a great country we live in! What a great and compassionate people we are! Yes, we have problems, people don't have a lot of money to spend, Christmas was a little less "presentfull" than we were used to - and still - something like this happens and we rally. We dig deep and find the last pennies in our pockets and in the sofa cushions and put them to good use. We send money, food, water, medical help and never think twice about it. How great is that? I am proud to be here and thankful for all of you who keep their hearts open and allow themselves to feel.
Keep safe and warm.
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